Saturday, May 10, 2008

Tiena min Square/ Forbidden City/ Faces of China

Today was yet another fascinating day in China. It is very late, so we will be brief. I am amazed at how quickly the days fly by here. We went to Tiena min Square, the Forbidden City and a silk factory. We continue to be amazed by the how "larger than life" things are. Tiena min Square is GINORMOUS!!! We had no idea how huge it is or the size of the Forbidden City. Most of my pictures today were of the children. They have our hearts, for sure! there is a picture of Brad and I in front of a unique tree that has a very romantic story behind it. It is called the tree of foever love...I will share the story with all of my sappy friends when we get home. We enjoyed our time with our new friends here. We will unite with our daughters together tomorrow, just one more thing to make it harder to say good-bye to them! The culture here is absolutely captivating. We feel like sponges just trying to soak up any bit of history we can. It makes me feel so proud for our daughter that she has such an amazing home country. We hated to say good-bye to our guide today. She is so knowledgeable and we seriously did not have to make one decision about anything. She spoiled us!

We arrived in Fuzhou, the capital city of Libi Faith's province at 9:00 PM. We then had an hour drive to our hotel. Once again, the size and expanse of the city is not what I had anticipated. Our hotel is quite beautiful. I cannot wait until the morning to see the Lake. We will post some pictures.

My heart is so full of peace. Tonight it was hard to hear some of the realities of Libi's precious life up until now. We were shown her "finding ad". It is so difficult to think about what her mother must have gone through as she choose to leave her that day...too much to put into words right now. The picture in my slides of the mother with her baby wrapped up in her arms struck a chord in my heart today for Libi's mother. We were very happy to hear that we should receive the note that was left with her and the clothes she had on. Her new life begins tomorrow...3:00-4:00 is the anticipated event of her being birthed into our arms forever. It is later than we had originally anticipated so all of you back home will probably have to wait until the early hours of Mother's Day to celebrate with us! You have been such a great support to us through all of your comments and prayers. We are having such an amazing time and feel so at rest with everything!


Sanders Family said...

Hey guys!!! so glad to see y'all where so many other have been right before they get there little babies!! Love the pic of the mother and child! We are so excited to see Libi in your arms and we are continuing to pray for you, and I can't believe that tomorrow you'll not have to wait any longer for your little baby!!

In prayer always,

P.S. Enjoy the Bowling lane!! (It's by the pool)

Sherry said...

Brad & Amy -

The emotions I have when I look at your pictures and read your words are too great to put into words! Amazing, captivating, intriguing, speechless ... Wow! I am praying that God cements the sights, and smells, and sounds you are experiencing into your minds forever, so that you may be able to share the beauty and depth of it with Libi.

I may have to call Dr. Steve and get some stronger sleep pills for myself tonight, knowing that you will be meeting her for the first time while we slumber. I am praying that you sleep sweetly tonight (as I type) and that the hours fly by tomorrow.

You have been faithful and obedient and are just hours from the blessings and joy that the Lord has prepared for you! We'll be up EARLY to check in with you all!

Love, Sherry :)

BridgetdSmith said...
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BridgetdSmith said...

ADORE those faces in the pictures!! Thank you for sharing and allowing us to "follow along"!

You are in Fuzhou! I looked at pictures of us in the Golden Resource Hotel...SO many memories!! WHO ever would have known that your & my family would stay there while being united with our daughters 3 years apart???


I am praising Him for His ultimate kindness & faithfulness!

I will be waiting with bated breath for the first glimpse of Libi Faith WITH you!! Whoa! Amy! She is near!!!!

Love you all tons!

HUGS ....countries away & 5 doors down!!!

Irene said...

I love those precious children! And the mother with her babe - Priceless! Sounds like you had another full and wonderful day. I can't believe you're in Libi's province now! Can you believe it?? You're so close to your angel! Soon you'll be holding her in your arms. I can hardly stand it!!!!

I pray you are sleeping soundly. You won't want to sleep tomorrow night. I know you - you'll be holding your babe and staring at her all night!!! :o) Wish we were there, but so glad you're letting us tag along in this way!!

Our God is amazing and so faithful!! Look at this incredible journey He's brought you on. You are just hours away from your precious one. We love you and can't wait to see you with Libi Faith! It will be so hard to sleep tonight!!! Praying for you all!

Hugs & kisses - Irene

Anonymous said...

We're so excited for you to get Libi tomorrow. Can you teach her my favorite Bible verse when she gets older? John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that he gave His one and only Son that who ever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life."

Love, Gurgle

The Millers said...

Brad and Amy,

It is so neat to see you in China. It has brought back alot of memories from our time there. I encourage to write down your impressions of everything you see and what you are feeling and thinking about because it is amazing how much you forget even after a few months back home.

We are in continual prayer for you that things will continue to go so well for you.

Alyssa Marie said...

Your pictures are amazing!!! I love the one "China Beauty" that is National Geographic material! Isn't Tian an Men square amazing? I was in awe of how huge it is. It's so crazy to see you on the Great Wall, in front of Mao Zedong, Tien an Men Square, etc because I was in all of those places not that long cool!
Im praying that your day goes by fast today... you will have her before you know it!

I love you guys,

Anonymous said...

Amy, Brad and Jacob,

Praise God, another great day! I loved the pics of the little children in China.

Always hard to view the copy of the finding add, but so awesome to know that she is not looking anymore for her parents :). They are so close and I pray she can feel it!!

Also, GREAT and such a blessing to get the birth note and finding clothes. We've only received those for one of our kids, so the odds of getting those both are so low. God is surely blessing you abundantly and watching out for Libi-Faith in every way, shape and form.

We can't wait for tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love and prayers,
Christy S.

Anonymous said...

Hey guys, it's about 10:45PM here and Irene and I are thinking of you. Earlier this evening she sent ME out to buy white sandals for Malea's mother's day outfit--she's obviously lost her mind (or she's preoccupied with something else). Know that our prayers are with you and are lifted up with great joy for your daughter and your new life together. Blessings to you for what's coming in just a few short hours. Barton

BridgetdSmith said...

I am heading to bed ..HOWever, know that as I lie down prayers are ascending!! For you, Brad, Amy, Jacob & Libi Faith!!

I KNOW God will BE GLORIFIED at your union and beyond.....

Love y'all.....B

Anonymous said...

SO excited for you and more excited that we get to see you with Libi before everyone in the USA!!! It is Mother's Day here so when you hold your Libi today...Happy Mother's Day!
Mallory saw your photos posted and asked the named of the little girls in the photos. I told her you were adopting a little girl like them and naming her LibiFaith. She smiled. Then I told her the second baby girl you adopt will be named Mallory. She smiled really big! She still remembers you & misses you!
Have a great morning and we will look forward to tonight reading your blog and seeing Libi.
Miss you much,
The Munn's

Libi's song