Friday, May 23, 2008

"The Happiest Day of My Life" - Joel Arnold

I once again find myself overwhelmed with emotions. What's new right? My little angel is rolling on the floor with her brother Joel just like she has been doing it her whole life. Only God, that is all that explains any of this. This little babe was hand picked by God from the beginning of time to be our daughter and it is known to us full well. Brad and I are blown away by how she just "feels" so natural to us. We had many moments of deja vu in China with her. She is so familiar to us. It is really hard to describe, but as Brad and I talk about it we seem to both feel the same thing. AMAZING LOVE...

Coming home felt so incredible. It was a feeling like no other. Not just to come home, but to come home to our dearly loved family and friends. Thank you to all of you who took the time and made the drive to Chicago to welcome our Libi Faith home. We can never express to you how grateful we are for such a welcome home celebration. I cannot imagine the greeting we will receive at the the gates of heaven, but in my mind this welcoming is close to what I imagine...yes, that incredible! When we got her in the door of our house there was such a sweet peace that fell over our home and me that has not ever been here before. It is "home" like it has never been before.

Libi is continuing to make great strides in her progress. We promise to keep updating every couple of days. We know so many of you are praying and we have seen God do miraculous things together....this is just the start. We will behold amazing things in and through this little girl in the days and weeks and months ahead. Jacob had a dream of Libi walking last night and it was the school year next year...I believe that to be a clear vision of what lies ahead for our angel.

I am not sure if we have adequately expressed on the blog what a miracle it is that this precious girl is home. There are many things that could have hindered this for her. I am so reminded of the scripture found in Job 42:2 "I know that you can do all things; no plan of yours can be thwarted. We have been shown and told many times that a child in Libi's condition will very rarely make it out of China. There are situations where families arrive and reject these little ones because they are more severe than they had anticipated. The directors at Libi's foster home were praying hard the day we picked her up that the orphanage would allow her to be released and that we would desire to receive her. To even type this is difficult. Has this journey been without fear? No. Has it been without struggle? No. We have been catapulted out of our comfort zone? Yes, but...I cannot fathom saying anything but "Yes and Amen" to this little child of God. We are now the blessed recipients of this incredible gift.

They are all His little ones. I urge you to cry out on behalf of these that carry the label of "special needs". They need their families. They need their mommies and daddies. We need to pray for them and seek the Lord on our faces for what our role is in caring for them....

James 1:27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

Love and blessings to all of you! Thank you for helping us bring Libi Faith Jia Qi Arnold home!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Dear Brad, Amy, Jacob, Joel and Jack, We are praising God with you and for you! Your blogspot has blest us so, many days trying to read through the tears of joy for you and Libi. Nothing is impossible with Him! May your days be filled with the joy of the Lord as Libi becomes accustomed to being an "Arnold" and living in Bloomington. LOVE & PRAYERS, DON & LESLIE KAISER P.S. Can't wait to see Libi in her Mickey ears or Minnie ears!

Lisa4Him said...

Beautiful...Just absolutely beautiful!!!

Sherry said...

Definitely reading this one through the tears! There just aren't words ... She is so beautiful and your family is so perfect with her in it. All praise to the Father!

Love, Sherry

Molly said...

I hardly know what to say.... your sweet Libi is so perfect for your family. She's precious and beautiful and I was moved to tears at the sight of the incredible love that your family has for her. I want you to know that her story has made a huge impact on my life and being able to be at the airport when you came home was the biggest blessing because it was full of such hope. So I type through the tears just to say that your family is a beautiful picture of what LOVE is and that God is a GOOD God, who desires to lavish blessings upon us despite the sinful world that we live in. So thank you for letting us follow you in the journey.
May your home be filled with joy and peace as you begin this new chapter of your life.
Love in Christ,

Sydney said...

Arnold Family,
I am so happy that Libi Faith is finally home!! I am so awed by the pictures. She is so amazingly precious. I am so excited that she has such a family as yours. Have a wonderful Memorial weekend.

Sydney S.

Meg said...

I am so happy for you!! I was in NYC when you finally got to bring your precious little one home, but I was thinking about you all. I've been following your blog for about 2 weeks now, and am so glad to be able to share in this joyous time with you! :) Love, Megan W.

Linda Thomas said...

Oh wow... seeing you (Amy) placing Libi in your sons' arms was more than I could take! And seeing your family all hugging one another with Libi.. combine that with the "thank you" song and I'm bawling like a baby over here. I'm so, so, sooo happy for you all!!! Thank you, Jesus, for bringing Libi home to her family.


Libi's song