Sunday, May 18, 2008

Church with our Love Bug in Guangzhou

Do you remember the first Sunday after 9-11? That is what I compare the feeling here in China to be like right now. The people are all united and hurting. Our hearts ache with theirs. Church was amazing! I loved the opportunity to praise the Father in my daughters birth country. We sang the most beautiful worship songs. Of course, the tears poured down my face as I thought of where He has brought us over the last 8 months. It seems like Libi Faith has always been here with us. I cannot imagine my life without her. It was moving to sit amongst many who were holding little rescued ones in their arms. As the closing prayer was said on behalf of all of those suffering from the earthquake, you could hear sniffles and see tears streaming down faces. Father bless and keep this country as it mourns this great tragedy...

We had a very relaxing day. Libi Faith is continuing to make great progress. She ate much better again today. We are pushing her around in this little umbrella stroller sometimes and she really likes it. Although, the ERGO carrier is the preferred method of transportation especially for sleeping. We enjoyed shopping with Ann today, a personal shopper. (thanks Millers!) She is quite a fun lady. I cannot begin to describe to you the amount of people in Guangzhou. Ann took us to a huge market area...I just can't even begin to wrap my head around the enormity of this place, let alone describe it to you. I've not been to the Mall of America, but I am sure it probably makes it look like a 7-11.

I am thankful for this time here in Guangzhou. I am ready to get home, don't get me wrong, but Libi needs this time with her mamma. I know we will bond more at home, but I feel like I can really focus on her and gain a better understanding of her culture in this time. It really is a gift. The first few days she was very restless while she slept, but the last couple of days has settled down. She usually comes into bed with us in the early morning hours and is quite content to do so. Her little things she would do to "sooth" herself are diminishing...she is allowing me to soothe her. When we were out today with our guide there were comments about Libi looking very much like our biological daughter and that she could not be 2 years old. I love these people of China, and so does my daughter! She lights up in a way like no other when the women speak to her. In church today she was straining to see the women sitting in front of us. I am sure she is missing her nannies!

I know I continue to say this, but we are so thankful for all of your prayers and support back home. We love hearing from you as you email and leave comments. You are a "lifeline" to us right now. Many of you have had dreams and visions of Libi Faith and we have been so blessed to hear about them. My sweet friend Bridget prayed along with many of you, through our waiting for Libi. She felt strongly that part of our waiting was because of who we would be here with...that is clear with our new friends, the Braniffs! We are friends for life and our story with them is just beginning. Also, she kept hearing the number 27. Maybe we would leave on the 27th...maybe we would be united with her on the 27th...well, here is the mystery revealed...Libi Faith Jia Qi was the 27th orphan to be adopted from her province this year. You can think I am crazy, but I know God spoke these things! As soon as we were told she was number 27 I screamed!!!! He speaks so we see and acknowledge Him in all of our ways. You are perfection Father, there is none like You!!!


Lisa4Him said...

Amy, my heart is so full after reading your latest entry. Libi is just precious, and I can't help but think about how precious she is to God....He has orchestrated all the details to bring this precious babe into your family, and then to think that He works just like that in millions of other lives! He really is too amazing to comprehend!!
A couple of verses that came to mind after reading...
Ps. 37:23 "The Lord directs the steps of the godly, He delights in every detail of their lives."

Is. 44:8b "And you are my witnesses. Is there any God besides Me, Or is there any other Rock? I know of none"!!!!!

Praying that you are able to take in as much of Libi's culture as possible and treasure it in your heart for her!

Love and prayers, Lisa

Anonymous said...


I can feel your excitement grow every day. It's so fun to see/hear. It's obvious the love between you is growing stronger every day, just how it should work. Praise God! His promises are true and His word doesn't come back void.

Love to you, Brad, Jacob and sweet Libi Faith,

Anonymous said...

Everyday I get more and more excited to finally meet this beautiful little girl I see pictures of. Right now I'm with the other hird of your family, Joel and Jack. They are having a great time with Jon and could not take their eyes off the claw machine at Chicago Hut! Sadly I don't think anyone won anything, once again five dollars wasted. ( We better keep an eye on them!) You are all in our prayers and the anticipation is rising! God Bless!

BridgetdSmith said...

Oh my GOoDness! WHAT memories your photos of the church brought back!! I had to go back and RE~treasure(not really a word!) those moments!!

Isn't worshiping WITH your new one such a precious time? Indescribable really! And doing it in HER her language!!! I cried so much....tears of joy! tears of the unknown! Tears for loss (birth & foster parents)! Tears of anticipation! Of HOPE! Tears of exhaustion!! Tears of GRATITUDE! Thanksgiving!

I am ever so smitten with your family!! Thank you for the honor of allowing me to glimpse inside your hearts and see a MIRACLE!! For what else could a union such as this be called?

Anxiously Awiating Libi person!!!


Sherry said...

We are so blessed to be following your journey. We have loved living every minute of it with you. We have prayed for you constantly (and will continue even after you are home). We have delighted in EVERY picture.

BUT...I'm ready for you not to be in China anymore! I miss you incredibly and the anticipation of meeting your sweet girl is building with each passing day. It's about to the point I can hardly stand it.

We are praying diligently that the ticket issue is already resolved. Can't wait to rejoice when we hear that it is.

We are making plans for Thursday. We can hardly wait to DELIGHT and REJOICE over precious Libi Faith in the flesh.

We are praying the CA goes well. I am excited that you have your New Day visit ahead of you. What a great crescendo to end your trip with. I know the Lord has delights and plans to reveal to you, as you spend time there. Our prayers will be with each child there, as you get to hug and love on each one.

Love and hugs!!! - Sherry

lisa kindred said...

Only 3 more days until we get to see our "Love Bug" in the flesh. We are all counting down the days to get to kiss your PRECIOUS Libi Faith. What a journey our Sovereign God has carried you on. Sounds like the days are rich with so many things to take in.

We continue to pray for every little step of progress in Libi's life. She is already such a testament of how big our God is.

We love you and will keep praying for you all!


Linda Thomas said...

Praise God!!! I just can't get through one of your posts without crying tears of JOY and tears of sadness, too. My heart aches that Libi misses her nannies and knowing they miss her.. but oh what JOY that she is in her mamma's arms. Have you done Beth's study Believing God?? She talks about what appears to be one of the primary ways Christ is revealing Himself to Muslims. It is through DREAMS!!! Many of those who accept Christ tell the missionaries they did so because their encounter with the missionary confirmed their dreams where CHRIST HIMSELF appeared to them revealing that He was the Son of God and that they could confidently believe! Sorry to go on and on.. but I absolutely believe that God was speaking through your friend to show Himself mighty!!!!

Much love and prayers for safety coming home!


Libi's song