Monday, May 19, 2008

Consulate Day Success


BTW - Praise God for the Sanders news tonight. Zoe, here they come! Also, many of you have asked about the plane ticket home... God not only worked out the ticket change, He also threw us into the bulk head row for the 2.5 hour flight. Thanks so much for praying.

Good evening (morning for y'all) family, friends and neighbors. We had a very relaxing day today. Rob (Izzy's dad) and I made our way to the Carrefour with a short list of things to get for our new little ones. Sounds easy right... we had instructions for the cab driver in Mandarin to get us there and back. Rob had most of his shopping list in Mandarin as well. Me not so much... a stroller, some baby food, and some soy based formula. We spent 30 minutes looking at the back of every container of Formula looking for some evidence that it was soy based. We spoke to over 10 people looking for someone who could speak enough English for me to not be a failure again. No luck. We could not find hair scrunchies either. What we did find was a variety of stage 1-3 baby food that had flavors like fish with yam paste and chicken with veal. I can't imagine any toddler refusing such delicacies.

After returning somewhat empty handed, we went out for lunch at Lucy's again. We did have some nice conversation with more adoptive families which was great. Shamian Island is an amazing place. After lunch we went to a store, and at 2:28 pm there was a moment of horn blowing and silence in memory of the tragedy in Sichuan. The store we were in was owned by a believer. He asked several of us adoptive parents to please pray with them during this time of silence. It was very sobering. For 3 minutes horns from all over the country were blowing. This seemed to mask the mourning, because the only Chinese person in the store was the clerk who was sobbing. It was not evident until the horns stopped. I don't think anyone here seems to grasp the magnitude of this event for China. I found myself praying God send a spirit of salvation. The Chinese are unable to handle this tragedy on their own. They need help from all countries. Could God be bringing about peace through this tragedy. Could He be preparing the hearts of Chinese people for the Gospel.

The one thing that is clear... God wants us to pray for this country. So many of us already hold it dear to our hearts as the birthplace of our children. So let's do join together in prayer.

We went to the Cow Bridge (Tai Restaurant) for dinner with a couple other adoptive families. The food was fairly good, and as always it was nice to spend time with other people walking out the same thing you are.

Libi Update - She is amazing as always. Today was another day of progress. She was doing her sit-up trick with daddy, where she grabs my hands and does assisted pull-ups on the count of 3. She continues to eat better each sitting, and was a little jealous of every bite that Amy took during dinner. By the way Amy picked up a slimy round mushroom with chopsticks. She is getting a little prideful about her new found talents. I however, have out mastered even most Chinese that we eat with by tossing peanuts across the table to Mr. Braniffs open mouth without missing once. I am not sure China was ready for the two of us. Oh yeah this was about Libi wasn't it... If you are curious how many teeth Libi has, check the pictures. Although we are going to need a good orthodontist. (Too much tongue sucking) She loves to play peak-a-boo and can pull the blanket off her face. She is very engaged with mommy, especially after bottle time. Enjoy the pictures of our continually changing beauty. We think you will find her as beautiful as we do.


Molly said...

I love those pictures!! You guys are in trouble- she's already discovered a mirror!!! :)

Any updates on getting her airplane ticket switched?

God Bless,

Linda Thomas said...

Your updates are one of the great highlights of my day.. aside from own beauties here at home. :)

Praying for the people of China today and for God to send forth His Spirit in a mighty way upon them.

Believing Him ~

Anonymous said...

Looking at Libi Faith's pictures listening to your song "all my life" brings so much emotion. Oh, beautiful she is. Glorious actually.

Glad she is making such nice improvements every day. And glad to see you are enjoying GZ. I'm praying that the last days of your trip will be your BEST.

All my love and prayers,
Christy S

The Clements said...

We're so glad you're enjoying your time in Guangzhou. We are enjoying the pictures of Libi SO much! It is amazing to see the progress she is already making - it is so apparent from the expressiveness of her face that she is blossoming in your loving care.

We have been busy here (two trips to Chicago for doctor appointments in the last 4 days!), but you have been on our minds and in our prayers constantly!

We miss you and can't wait for your return. Enjoy your visit at New Day! Love you.

Sanders Family said...

Libi just gets more and more devastatingly beautiful with each day-it's strange, but I seriously feel like I'm watching her change before my eyes! I can't wait to grab her little thighs-she is just ooey gooey. So thrilled for your return and yet know that there will be mixed feelings about leaving China- there's a connection formed that is hard to walk away from. Love you guys- Laura

The Millers said...

Brad and Amy,

It has been so good to catch up on how things have been going--we have been away for a few days.

It is so neat to read about Shamian Island and to think back to our time there. We became quite familiar with Lucy's.

It sounds like you might have been at Jordan's for that prayer. We ran into a few Chinese believers during our time there. We also know what you mean about how special the service at Christ Church was.

Our first weekend we went to the all-Chinese service, and the next Sunday to the Chinese/English version.

It seems as if Christianity is allowed "unchecked" on the island. We were always curious if China allowed it be so open for propaganda. Whatever the earthly reason, God is in control.

We can only imagine what He intends in the next generation...perhaps he is raising up missionaries to return to their homeland to share the Gospel!

We love you,'s Melissa...

I am in love with these recent pictures of Libi. Brad, the one of Libi lying on your lap is priceless! She seems to grow more beautiful daily and there is more "life" in her eyes. When Sarah Beth looked at the pictures this evening she smiled, giggled and then did the sign for baby. I can't wait for her to see her friend, Libi Faith in person.

I knew you all would love the Island. We so enjoyed the park and meeting the people. They loved taking pictures of our kids with their rip sticks and playing with their Chinese wooden spinning tops. One day some of the school children came looking for our kids in the hotel. What beautiful people!

I am so glad you went to Christ church! That was truly one of the biggest blessings for me. I cried harder there than just about anywhere else. Just being in a congregation of believers across the world and hearing praises sung to Jesus in Chinese was more than I could take. His presence was so strong in that place and to be joined with so many adoptive families was wonderful.

So thankful for the good news on the plane tickets. God has perfectly worked out every detail. Blessings to you dear friends. Can I tell you again how much we miss you and can't wait to have you home.


Sydney said...

Arnold Family,
Praise God about you plane ticket changes. The pictures of Libi are PRECIOUS!! I can't wait for y'all to get home and to meet the beautiful Libi. I will be be praying for your safety and China during it's time of sorrow.

Best Wishes,
Sydney S.

lisa kindred said...

She is one beautiful little doll. I love the mirror picture. Oh look out Daddy!! The pictures are pure sugar. We love you all.

Melissa and I got to go and encourage a friend from Morton, that should be leaving in a few weeks to get their little boy. God is so good!


Sherry said...

Just a quick check in to let you know you on my heart and mind and in my prayers! Praising the Lord for the change in tickets. We think you've been hoarding that precious babe long enough. Time to get her home for some sharing!!!

Love, Sherry

Irene said...

Libi Faith is an absolute beauty!! She gets more beautiful every day. Malea comes to the computer and says, "Mommy, Ibi??" She loves looking at these precious pictures as much as I do. She can't wait to meet her new friend. I'm not sure Libi is ready for her though! :o)

So glad you were able to attend a christian church. That was one of my most favorite things to do in Korea. We're praying this enormous tragedy in China will open hearts to the One True God. My heart aches for them.

I can't believe it's getting closer!! Only a couple more days until we get to see your beauty in person! Enjoy the rest of your stay - especially New Day. I can't wait to hear about your time there. We're praying for you always and can't wait until you're home!!

Love, Irene

Libi's song