Monday, May 12, 2008

Earthquake 2

We heard from our agency this morning that the Colleges and the rest of the families are just fine here. Thanks for the prayer and concern.

Let's reflect for just a moment at two significant events in the past month. The day that we received travel approval in the US, we were wakened to an earthquake. The day that Libi Faith officially became an Arnold, there was an earthquake in China. Clearly the Lord is going to continue to shake our world with this little peanut.

Libi fell asleep last night pushing and pulling on my fingers. She is such an active little thing. She had only one little coughing spell, but otherwise has slept all night. She is a great sleeper - praise the Lord for that eh! [EPFB] PRAYER REQUEST: Libi has not had a BM since we got her, could you pray for her (and her daddy) to be successful.

We hit Mickey D's for dinner last night, and nearly screwed up ordering value meals for Pete's sake. After fussing about with the workers, finally an American college student walks up and says "you guys look like yo could use some help." Gee, is it that obvious when a 6'5, gray spotted Caucasian takes 10 minutes to order at McDonald's. With his help, we were finally able to get our food (Rob and I went out hunting for our women and children-picture it) and make our way to the hotel in the cab pointing him at every turn.

How crippling it is to be in a place that is so foreign. It should not be that hard. That darn tower of babel. Anyway, it is an adventure. We really had a great day yesterday after the official paperwork was completed. We spent most of the afternoon doing homework with Jacob and playing with our little girl. As you can see in the pictures that Amy posted earlier, she slept quite a bit too. By the way the bad hair day pictures were as she was. The was no combing, gel or manipulation involved.

SOAPBOX TIME - One thing that is becoming amazingly clear to all of us, is the unlimited potential of God to change a life. I think we all go into this unknown world of adoption and get completely frightened - I am. We see pictures of children, hear special needs labels, and kind of pick and choose what degree of challenge we are capable of handling. We even see the various countries restrict certain kids from even being available to be adopted. Now we have only begun our journey with a little child that has very small challenges ahead of her compared to many, but there is a clear message that God is communicating to us. You may be limited, but I am not. You are weak, but I am strong. You can make a machine that over time can change the shape of a mountain, but I can speak and make it flat (excuse the Caterpillar analogy).

God can take any label and remove it. We have heard testimony after testimony of bad prognosis' that God radically removes in 12 months or less. Let's take God out of the box folks, and pray hard for Him to make the mountains flat in our lives (thanks Jason.) In the area of adoption, are you saying "we have done enough." Are you fearful of the challenge of "Special Needs". I feel like we are only ankle deep in the water, and we have seen God in ways we have not seen before. We are going to go to an American foster home today, run by a fantastic couple from Florida, that is head deep in the water for the Lord. I will let you know if they say it was the wrong thing to do.

Sorry, for the diatribe, you all know my frailties, fleshly struggles and weaknesses, but I think there is a challenge before us all. Are we living for ourselves or the Lord. Are we satisfied with the happiness we can create, or do we want the JOY that He can give. Let's strip away the thoughts of labels and let pray that God would wow us all. We are already seeing signs of that in Libi's life. It is a direct result of God answering your cries on her behalf.

Thank you all so much. You are a blessng that word's cannot describe. As you can probably tell from my rambling we feel like we could accomplish anything with Him because of your prayer for us. Love you all...


Anonymous said...

Yes VICTORY at last! Okay. I just wanted to be first. Love you all! Glad you're okay!

Molly said...

Wow. That brought tears to my eyes. The Lord definitely has a great plan for this sweet girl!! God is going and already has used her to grow people closer to Himself!!! Praise the Lord! That is awesome.

Reading your blog has been the highlight of my days this past week. Thanks for testifying to God's faithfulness!! It's such an encouragement!

I'm so glad you guys and the other families are safe and that everything is going so well!!


Anonymous said...

Hey Jacob. It's Caleb from CCA. I just wanted to say hi. I hope you're having a good time in China. It must have been pretty scary to have been in China during the earthquake even though it wasn't in your area. Your sister is really cute. The toboggan sounds REALLY cool. I've gotta' go to China and do that someday!! Well.. just saying hi. Have a good rest of the time.
God bless,

Anonymous said...

ARNOLDS! Thank God you are safe! I couldn't get the Blog up and was praying like crazy that you were ok. She is an amazing little one. I can't wait to meet her. Love you all!

Alyssa Marie said...

I cant wait to hear about your visit to Loaves & Fishes. Take lots and lots of pictures :)Try to get me any "in" while you are there. Love you!

The Millers said...


I suspect that the McDonald's should do the trick in returning you to regularity!

Please be affirmed in your soapbox message...I don't think that it is a coincidence that so many people who adopt once go back for more. God uses adoption to teach us even more about His character and how large He really is.

When we (I) get a glimpse of His awesomeness we realize how small of a box we have been trying to cram Him into.

We are thankful that you and the Colleges are safe. Josh and I were talking about the earthquake and it reminded me of some verses in Haggai 2:

This is what the LORD Almighty says: 'In a little while I will once more shake the heavens and the earth, the sea and the dry land. I will shake all nations, and the desired of all nations will come, and I will fill this house with glory,' says the LORD Almighty.

In finding this passage online I also read deeper into that chapter and found this...

"Tell Zerubbabel governor of Judah that I will shake the heavens and the earth...'On that day,' declares the LORD Almighty, 'I will take you, my servant Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel,' declares the LORD, 'and I will make you like my signet ring, for I have chosen you,' declares the LORD Almighty."

It is our fervent prayer for you that as God shakes the earth He shows you that he has chosen to make you His seal in Libi Faith's life to speak the truth of the Gospel over her.

We are praying for you!

Chad (and the rest of the Miller family)

Cupcakes and Hairbows said...

We are enjoying your blog - we are Georgia friends of the Millers! So glad that you have your little girl and are safe. Will continue to keep your "travel-mates" in our prayers. Amazing journey! Lucy and Doug

Anonymous said...

Hi Guys,

First, loved the bow. So cute!! And than creamy skin, such a beautiful girl.

Also, I love your perspective, your Godly, eternal one. Like you said, Libi-Faith will blow us all away quicker than we could ever imagine. God is in control.

She looks like such a good eater. Wondering about how much she weighs. Any guesses?


Anonymous said...

What beautiful pictures of your little Libi! We were really touched by the smiling ones when you were holding her Brad. We knew you guys would bring a smile to that precious little baby!

Since Andy and Jill are in Ethopia I (Marcia) am watching the other kids. Our oldest grandchild Travor just came in to the office where I was reading your blog and said "Grandma I just went in and looked at Caleb and cannot believe how cute he is...those slanted eyes when he sleeps are so cute!" It was precious. We all cannot believe what it would be like without him. We know we will soon feel that way about Hope.

You are are an example and blessing to so many. We are praying for your safe journey home (Andy and Jill's as well!).

Love, Ray and Marcia

Anonymous said...

Our friends keep telling us to visit your blog, because we are adopting a baby BOY!!! from China in JUNE!!!! Thanks for sharing your story!!!! She is adorable!!!

Libi's song