Friday, June 27, 2008

You've been Praying!!

Thank you to our Mighty Warriors who have been on their knees for Libi Faith. We can see it, feel it, and KNOW it without a doubt!! We started the new medication and we are amazed at what has happened. Our concerns of her being disengaged and lethargic are no longer. It actually has had an opposite effect on our little peanut. She is quite a WILD woman on this medicine. She is "busy" and loud.

We continue to see great progress in her. It is becoming addictive to see what new thing she will do with each day. Sorry to all of you who have to hear about every new little thing...I can't help my excitement.

Libi began to use the sign for "more" this week. We are hoping that this is just the beginning of her being able to communicate some things with us. She continues to grow more mobile when on the floor. Her largest struggle right now is sleep. We know this will continue to be something that is in transition for her. She was quite a dream for the first month, but we know that the medication she was on played a large role in that. It is quite apparent that her body does not really know how to settle itself down. Also, she has become quite aware that sleep means mommy or daddy are not with her. So, is she a bit spoiled? YES! And we feel that it is a very good thing for our precious Libi.

Once again, we are so thankful to all of you who are lifting up our daughter to the Throne of our Great God. He is working the miraculous in this sweetheart and we are so blessed to see it ALL!


lisa kindred said...

We count it a privilege to be able to lift your little Libi Love up to our Heavenly Father. It is a blessing for us all to watch God move this little one.

Enjoy your precious babe!

We love you!

Sherry said...

It is a blessing to have a part in praying for God's healing and glory to shine through in Libi's life. I am SO excited to hear that she is signing "more". What a delight to watch her unfold. We'll be praying for her to learn self comfort and sleep.

Love you! - Sherry

Sydney said...

Thank goodness that God has healed Libi. I know what you mean when you say you get addicted to her progression. I do too!!! I hope you all are having a wonderful summer!

Sydney S.

BridgetdSmith said...

Oh MY! What a treat it was to "bump into y'all today"...the highlight I must say was getting a squeeze a mooch from Libi Faith!!

As I read your post tonight I thought I know now how to pray ...I shall SIGN "more" to God!! "MORE" Healing! "More"... I KNOW the Spirit will know how to intercede! Thank you Libi Faith for teaching Ms Bridget HOW to communicate!!! Truly!! If your Mommy & Daddy know that you desire "more" ... OF COURSE our ABBA knows that NEED in us, that desire we have for YOU, Libi Faith, for "more" !!!

I LOVE you baby girl!!!

Anonymous said...

Amy, Just a reminder that tomorrow Sunday from 3 to 5pm at Tipton Trails is the Asian Play Group. We would love to see you and also your neighbors!!! Just bring a snack to share. Ellen W.

Alyssa said...

Who is that sweet baby? I hardly recognize her!!! Praise the Lord! HE is so good. Thanks for sharing Libi's updates what a blessing she is.

Love you!

The Clements said...

I'm so glad to hear that Libi is remaining alert and active while on this new medication. I will pray specifically for deep, restful sleep for all of you! I'd like to bring Daniel over to see Libi sometime soon - but I'll wait until things settle down a little for you. :) I understand how busy these first few weeks are. We love you and are praying for you!!!

Libi's song