Saturday, June 21, 2008

A Minor Glitch

So, unfortunately we took a trip via ambulance to the ER this morning with our precious Libi Faith. She had a seizure this morning at about 6:20. Bummer...but let me tell you what the Lord did!

Libi has been struggling to sleep very well since being off of her medication. We think that her body hasn't really had to "learn" how to sleep or stay asleep due to the medication making her so groggy. Last night Brad thought it would be best if we brought her into bed with us and helped start to retrain her in getting to sleep. She went to sleep like a champ! Because of this we were right there with her when she began to seize. What an answer to how the Lord gives you wisdom and discernment with your children.

It was not a very long seizure and not anything severe in form. She was quite upset in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. I have never heard her cry like that. I was able to share with the EMT how God brought this little miracle to us. He was amazed and touched as I shared how God had rescued her. It was in that moment that I felt God giving me perspective.

Sweet Joel woke up as the ambulance was departing and wanted to come to the hospital and be with his sister. It was so neat to sit in the ER watching Joel take on such a comforting role with his sister. It made me wonder what the Lord is equipping him for.

We once again covet prayers. The doctors have Libi on a newer medication that is not suppose to have as many side effects. She made so much progress this last week off of medication. We were AMAZED at how she was verbalizing and moving around the floor. It is our hope that she will continue to be alert and engaged.

Thank you once again for standing beside us with love support and prayers. As I sat in the ER I was reminded of these verses...fighting to keep my eyes on Jesus and knowing that we have access to the greatest power source imaginable!!!!

2 Corinthians 4
7But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. 8We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; 9persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. 10We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body. 11For we who are alive are always being given over to death for Jesus' sake, so that his life may be revealed in our mortal body. 12So then, death is at work in us, but life is at work in you.

13It is written: "I believed; therefore I have spoken."With that same spirit of faith we also believe and therefore speak, 14because we know that the one who raised the Lord Jesus from the dead will also raise us with Jesus and present us with you in his presence. 15All this is for your benefit, so that the grace that is reaching more and more people may cause thanksgiving to overflow to the glory of God.

16Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. 17For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. 18So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.


Sherry said...

We are praying that you have perfect peace and sweet sleep tonight! We are praying for complete healing for Libi. We're leaving early in the morning for camp. Keep us posted via text msg if there are any more specifics we need to pray over this week.

Love & Blessings - Sherry

Lisa4Him said...

What a perfect example of how our God doesn't waste anything! I love how He used showing you that He gives wisdom and discernment, in how you had the opportunity to tell of His mighty works to the EMT, in how you saw Joel caring for his sweet sister (I LOVE the picture of Joel with Libi!) and how He gave you perspective in the midst of it all.
Oh, it changes everything! What a comfort it is to know that we don't have to carry these burdens... He WANTS to carry them for us...and then to know that He does everything perfectly...what peace it brings!
I'm praying for peace for all of the Arnold's and for healing for Libi.

Love and Prayers, Lisa

P.S. I also LOVE the picture of Brad's finger in Libi's adorable!

Anonymous said...

The picture of Joel with Libi is so sweet. She is covered in so many ways. Glad she is doing well now.

Love and prayers,

Rob & Lisa Braniff said...

Hey guys. I'm so sorry to hear about the trip to the ER, but blessed immensely by what you gleaned from the situation and to share your "miracle" with the EMT. Wow !! God works all for His good. Our prayers and with you. Much love... The Braniffs.

Libi's song