Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Libi says her first word!!!

We knew it would happen, and I have witnesses! Libi said "Ge Ge" (pronounced gu gu) which is big brother in Chinese. We frequently refer to her brothers by this name. Monday night Joel, Brad and I were chatting with Libi and we asked her where Ge Ge was. We turned her Joel's direction and there it came...Ge Ge. It was distinct and clear, and so was the smile and reaction of our sweet little girl who knew full well she had done something BIG! It was a MOMENT! One of those moments that you laugh until you cry.

We have had a "full" couple of days and Libi is just becoming more of herself. She is expressing more feelings. She has even begun to show her stubborn side. I LOVE it! Her cry is much like a puppy whimper. It really is sweet. She happens to get a glimpse of a bottle and she will start her pathetic little whimper. This is great progress that she is beginning to voice her opinions.

Today we got a bumbo chair She enjoys it so much! It really is hard work for her to sit in for very long. I am so proud of her and how hard she works. I know that I am so privileged to see the moment by moment progress in her. I feel like no one else can appreciate it like I can. What a blessing to be her mama!!

I am loving all of the wisdom being given to us through doctors and therapists. Her feeding therapist helped us tremendously! Who would have thought giving Libi "mushy" graham crackers that have been saturated in water would be one of the highlights of my day. She loved this little snack. All with the goal of working toward a whole,non soggy graham cracker, being self fed.

Goals...a funny thing. Think of the goals you have set for your own life over the last year. Do you want to know Libi's? Beginning stages of crawling, sitting up, feed independently...puts perspective on life doesn't it? Think of the simple things you and I do every day that we take for granted. I see it in the determination on her face these last few days. She is trying so hard! Every little thing that she accomplishes is so huge to me.

So here is the parallel...Your Heavenly Father looks down on you, and waits, face beaming, for what you are going to do next. He is so ready and waiting to tell you what a good job you have done and how much He loves you. Every little thing you do that moves you closer to the goal of becoming more like His Son He sees as a HUGE accomplishment. As each day passes and my love for Libi grows stronger I grow to know my God even more. This journey I am on with my sweet daughter is not unlike the journey He is on with me.

It blesses my life to share with you the story that is unfolding before us. Thank you again, for loving, supporting and praying....


Christy said...

I had a dream last night that Libi-Faith just got up and started running (literally) around. Kai just sat there, inspired by her, and then started following her. I'm not a big dream or sign person. But, when I saw the post this morning and the "coming alive" label, I felt such peace and hope. She'll be a leader in many things, that's for sure.

Thanks again for sharing! Loving the posts.


Sherry said...

Brad & Amy -

I spent some time tonight just praying over Libi and your family. I strolled back through previous posts and the flood of tears just came. I know you see her transforming before your very eyes, but it is amazing to go through the progression of pictures. Her eyes, her smiles, her sitting up, ... if you haven't had a chance, thumb back through. These pictures and posts are truly a testimony to God!! I praise Him for Libi's precious little life. Blessings to you for giving her a family.

Love you all! - Sherry

Libi's song