Wednesday, February 20, 2008

A Dream

Last week I had a restless evening thinking about our sweet Libi. As I lay in bed I struggled with wondering when the Lord would release her to us. I wondered if we would have the joy of holding her on her 2nd birthday. As I thought about these things I grew restless and impatient...discontent. There is great truth about how our peace is robbed when we take our eyes off of Jesus. When we begin to trust our own plans and veer away from the course he has us on we take on fears and concerns that were never intended. So...He gave me a dream! Why is He so loving and gracious? He calmed each and every concern and fear. He came into my thoughts and held up His hands and silenced every voice but His own. The Dream:

I went to the door and there she was! Our beautiful Libi Faith. All of us had our jaws on the floor. there was this overwhelming sense of shock and amazement. We were all shouting, "She's here! She's here!" It was so unexpected. Then, I continued to cook dinner and she was sitting at my feet on the floor. (Why I didn't have that precious babe in my arms I do not know! That should tell you how much peace accompanied this dream.) I looked down at her and she hopped up and started to run around the house. I stood in amazement as I watched her. We all just kept laughing at her. Then she stopped and looked at me and said, "daddy". I got Brad and told her to say daddy again and she did.

What does this mean? A lot to me. You know there is only ONE who knows my thoughts with great intimacy and that is my God. He knows what I dwell on, what concerns me...

Oh Daddy, will my little girl be home soon? Yes, and it will be when you least expect it, so quit trying to guess the "when" and trust me with it so I can bless you. (He knows I love surprises)

Oh Father, will my little girl walk? Yes, daughter, she will not only walk, but she will RUN!!

Oh Jesus, will my little girl talk? Yes, and she will know and speak the love of her great Father...daddy!

You may still ask why I believe this dream to be so from God. His Word tells me...

Job 33

14 For God speaks again and again, though people do not recognize it. 15 He speaks in dreams, in visions of the night, when deep sleep falls on people as they lie in their beds. 16 He whispers in their ears


Alyssa Marie said...

Amy, I sat in amazement as I read about your dream. God is so good and the ways that HE is revealing Himself to you are so real and so true it goes beyond my understanding. What a lucky, lucky little girl Libi is to placed in your arms as your daughter. I cant wait for you to get your hands on your sweet sweet baby.

I had the opportunity to do a student seminar today about the book Fields of the Fatherless. Once a semesters students do differnt seminars instead of having a community chapel. We had 27 people in my group! I was amazed at how many showed up. God is giving me opportunity after opportunity to share about HIS heart for the Fatherless. I stand speachless as HE works and reveals Himself. He is so good!

I Love you!

Sherry said...

You've been on my heart all day sweet girl. I am praying diligently that you are being loved on with special hands and arms in these days that your family is waiting for you. I am praying that it will feel like a blink of an eye for them between now and when you get home. I am praying that the Lord will be speaking their voices into your mind, so that when you meet them, it will be like you have always known them. You are already one loved little girl.

Come home soon!

Love, hugs, and kisses, Mrs. Semlow

Linda Thomas said...

I love this, Amy.. and I fully believe that God speaks to us in this way, also. I just experienced it myself recently and it is so humbling and wonderful and just WOW, GOD!!!

Thanks for sharing. I can't wait to hear that Libi is home!


Libi's song