Tuesday, October 6, 2009

NEW MOON FESTIVAL and new journeys

It has been a little crazy around the Arnold house. Not that there is anything new there, but there really has not been a lot of time for blog updates. Currently God has led us to bring Joel and Jack home for their education so this has created a little more craziness in our home.

Joel and Jack both have learning disabilities and have struggled in school. We have agonized over their education and learning for many years. We are so thankful for the Lord's clear calling to us. The changes that we have seen in the boys and in our home are amazing and we are excited for what lies ahead.

I get excited when the Lord sets a new path before me, especially one that involves something I've said I WOULD NEVER DO! Don't get me wrong; it is not ALL excitement. I have had my moments of shear terror! His calling us to home school reminds me of the feelings I had when He first brought our sweet Libi to us. Why do you think Libi's middle name is Faith? We felt great excitement, but also felt that we were not equipped.

I am doing this Bible study right now and we are looking at the life of King David. He was anointed by the Lord for His purpose that was not just about God's plan, but about God's people. Not even David's own father felt that David would be the one that God had chosen...but he was!

"How can I-how can we-walk confidently into situations we feel ill-equipped to handle? How will we stand on the platforms to which God has called us and face the crowd in our lives without shame over who we are and without fear about our ability to accomplish the task? We must come to our situations knowing that God equips for his purpose those He calls."
-Priscilla Shirer

"It is not that we are qualified to do ANYTHING on our OWN. Our qualification comes from God." 2 Corinthians 3:5

Priscilla goes on to say in the study:
"What the Lord calls, He establishes. That is: He brings into existence and assures the ability for the outcome to fulfill Hes purposes and plans. When God establishes a person for a specific purpose, as He did in David's cast, He secures, equips, and fortifies the person called so that he or she is fully capable of performing the task at hand."

So once again we stand with great faith that this is God's and He has a great plan for all of us in this new journey!


Brad was out of town last weekend with some guys celebrating his 40th b-day on the "greens". Yes, Brad will be 40 on Thursday! Anyway, while he was away I had the ladies and their kids to the house to celebrate the NEW MOON FESTIVAL. This is a Chinese holiday that can be compared to our Thanksgiving in many ways. It is about togetherness and harmony. The highlight was making lanterns and eating moon cakes. We had a great time! I couldn't help but wonder if our sweet Haddie Hope Jie was celebrating in China.


emily said...

Welcome to the wonderfully crazy world of home schooling!! :) Our oldest has dyslexia and dysgraphia- so I understand. He will indeed provide for your every need.

Libi is getting so big and so strong- amazing to see the progress she is making.

Jami said...

you are an inspiration to me, friend!

Libi's song