Wednesday, August 26, 2009

School Days!

Well, I have almost survived the day that I thought would be the end for me. My oldest boy started High School and my baby girl went to school.

We dropped Jacob off at school first. Jake is attending Cornerstone Christian Academy, a private school that he has attended since 4 years of age. So, it was not as traumatic taking him to the same place he has been going to for years. The familiar helped this mama a lot. He looked so big going into the building. I thought of him 10 years ago when I dropped him off for the first time and I pulled around the corner and sobbed and called my mom! Funny how after ten years of first days for him I still felt like doing the same thing today. My sweet hubby came with me today. I don't think he held the same sentiments about the day as I did, but he was aware that his wife would be in great need of moral support or a 911 call today.

After we dropped Jacob off Libi extremely vocal in the back. I could tell she was trying to communicate something. I thought that she just wanted a drink. It wasn't long before we realized that she needed the restroom. We stopped at a gas station and cleaned her up and I was praising God for the extra pair of bloomers in her diaper bag that worked just fine with her "first day of school outfit".

When we got to Libi's school and I pulled her out of her seat, I locked my arms around her and sobbed. I told Brad I didn't think I could do it. He reassured me, and we put her in her chair and wheeled her up to the teachers and other children. Needless to say, it was a long good-bye. I had to get her out of her chair just one more time and then we left.

I felt like I couldn't breathe! My hubby helped get myself pulled together. So thankful for him!
I came home and got busy with my "to do" list. It was a very productive 2 hours and then I FLEW out the door to get my girl.

Libi had a great day today. She was very excited when I picked her up. She had so much to tell me. Her teacher said her favorite thing today was pushing the cars and trucks. I was hoping for something more "girly". It sounds crazy, but I felt like she already changed and grew up so much in just this one day. I cannot imagine what the Lord is going to do in her this school year.

Thank you to all my dear friends who supported me with texts and prayers today. You are more than a blessing in my life!


emily said...

Oh so precious! I can only imagine how I would be saying goodby to Abey. :) So sweet- I am so proud of the great progress she is making- thank you Lord for that.

Jami said...

Oh Amy! What a day it was for you! Libi looks just adorable. Every night now we're asking the kids who they're going to pray for before bed. Raegan usually takes Libi and Haddie! I'll have to tell them to add you to the prayer list too!! :)

I love you my friend!

megs @ whadusay said...

I'm so glad she had a good first day and that you survived. :)

Prayed for you/ praying for you!

BridgetdSmith said...

OH! How! I ! LOVE! her!!!!! She is SO big! So smart! SUCH a blessing! Please tell Ms Libi that Mrs Bridget is UBER proud of her!! (and her Mama!!)

Lisa said...

Oh wow. What a day for all of you. Libi looks like such a big girl. So beautiful. My sweet friend so glad you survived. I'm not sure that I would have made it : ) Much love to you guys.

Christy said...


You have such a sweet mother's heart. Josh and I take Mia on Tues for her first day of KG. I'm a mess already.

And could you please tell Libi to motivate Kai to get the daipers off for good!! He is not consistent yet. Way to go sweet Libi.


David and Marianne said...

Oh my goodness, I forgot that Libi would be going to the boys' school! I'll have to look for you next time I'm dropping off Caleb and Zach : ) Zachary will be so excited to know he's going to school with Libi!

Tough day for mom... so glad God gives us our incredible husbands to give us that strength when we need it most! The Lord is doing amazing things through lil Miss Libi... praise God!

Libi's song