Thursday, July 16, 2009

Libi's Eye Surgery

Today Libi had eye surgery. She has what they call epiblepheron. Yes, that is a mouthful! Say it 3 times fast. Anyway, her bottom lashes on her right eye grow toward her eye rather than away from it. This has caused pretty frequent tearing for her and it was starting to cause damage to the eye. We had a WONDERFUL doctor who took care of Libi today. Her expertise was a true gift from God!

Libi was so good. Her sweet, content spirit amazes me. It rook them 40 minutes to get an IV in the poor girl! It is quite a challenge to find a vein on this girl! She was signing "all done" after her surgery for about an hour.

Here is the crazy thing. In spite of her wiped out state physically. She has stayed fairly dry today with 4 successful trips to the potty. The last 2 trips were initiated by her. We have a sign for potty and it seems to be working well. She enjoys her reward of 2 chocolate chips when she is successful!

Pray for continued healing of her eye! Blessings to all of you for blessing us with your prayers!!!

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