Tuesday, July 14, 2009


CRAZY RIGHT!? Oh, I am beside myself tonight. This girl amazes me. There is so much that she gets that I do not give her credit for. I cannot even begin to imagine all that she is soaking in. Last night when I was getting Libi ready for bed I asked her if she wanted to sit on the big girl potty like mama. She shook her head "yes" and signed "more". So, I took her in and sat her on the potty. She thought that was the funniest thing to sit on the potty! I told Brad about it and we asked her tonight if she would like to do it again and her response was the same as the night before. So, I took her in and sat her down. I began to encourage her and she made a little grunt and furrowed her brow and she did it! She peed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Call me crazy, but that girl knew what she did and she was PROUD!

I cannot tell you how God will do things in this girl on a daily basis to give us hope for even MORE than we have seen so far.

I don't think I will ever rejoice more over a child peeing as I am tonight!!!! Praise songs and praise dancing in the Arnold 1/2 bathroom!


Kari C. said...

Oh Amy, I was just catching up on all of Libi's accomplishments. Tears are streaming down. God is so good! She looks amazing. Love can do great things!!! Seems like a lifetime ago that we were in China.

Love, Kari College

Dave and Marilyn said...

Oh this made me laugh! Libi is doing soooo well- we are excited for you all!

Libi's song