Tuesday, January 1, 2008


We pray that each of you had a good time reflecting on the goodness of our Great God in 2007. We open up the year of 2008 with great anticipation of our sweet and precious Libi Faith being in our arms. God has constantly reminded us that His order and plan are perfect. For many long months we have been in the agonizing process of getting our dossier to China. One final document we need to process is awaiting yet one more set of fingerprints. Our appointment for those long awaited prints will come this Friday morning! This great news arrived by mail December 31st! Our prayer is that God would allow our dossier to be in China in 2 more weeks (or less).

Some of you do not yet know that Libi recently had a seizure. She had been ill and they suspected that her fever induced the seizure. They put her in the hospital in Beijing , which has the best medicine in China, on the 18th of December. She remained there for about a week over Christmas. It was very difficult to be so far away from her knowing she was in the hospital without us to care for her. I struggled with feeling down over all of this on top of the delay in the paperwork and the recent transition of our little Ari. God continually reminded me of His sovereignty. I thought about all of the tests she would have run on her that would check her out thoroughly. A friend even told me that she had thought the same thing when praying about the situation. Without this hospitalization these tests would not have been run. We have suspected that one challenge Libi Faith may have is Cerebral Palsy. The test needed to accurately diagnose this is a CT scan. They did do a CT scan on Libi and it came back showing no abnormalities...no evidence of Cerebral Palsy!

I wonder if I will ever understand God's goodness. He continues to AWE us with His perfection and sweet love.

Job 12:9,10 & 13
Which of all these does not know that the hand of the LORD has done this?
In his hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind.
To God belong wisdom and power; counsel and understanding are his.


Alyssa Marie said...

Lets keep praying her home. I cant wait!!! She is such a precious angel. Praise God for HIS sovereignty in all of our lives including little Libi Faith.It truely amazes me that He is the same God here in the states as He is in China. My mind can't even comprehend how amazing he is. Ahhh I love HIM!

Alyssa Marie said...

and looking at her name at the top of the page you pronounce it
"Jye Chee" but try to find out the tones because thats the only way to really say it correctly. Love you!

Linda said...

Praise God for the good report on Libi! I cannot even imagine what you have been through in waiting to have this precious little girl home, and missing your sweet Ari, too. I am always inspired by your faith and love for our glorious God. Can't wait to see what GREAT things are in store for your family in 2008. To GOD be the glory! Love, Linda

Anonymous said...

Wow, that would be hard to have her in the hospital, but it is WONDERFUL that she tested negetive for CP! We will continue to pray for her to come into your family quickly! It is so comforting to know that our heavenly Father is not limited by time or space and He is faithful to hear our prayers on her behalf. It is clear from His Word that He has a special place for the orphan, widow and stranger...thank you for your testimony of His love for Libi.

Jill Lehman

Libi's song